Airtho standalone cleanroom kits are the DIY solution to creating ISO 5-8 cleanrooms for your process needs.
Kits are delivered with all the parts needed to create an ISO 5-8 cleanroom. Installation requires basic carpentry tools and skills, minimal electrical connections and in certain applications minimal plumbing for dehumidifier
and humidifier.

• Airtho engineering to ensure proper design and
project execution.
• Modular HVAC system including make up air and room
specific modules.
• Airtho Super Steel structural support system.
• Airtho Intelligrid Ceiling System.
• HEPA Hub filtration system.
• Airtho Modular Walls-Windows-Doors.
• Integrated controls with lighting, HVAC and alarms.
• Cell Fan with cooling and humidity control.
• Entry/gowning area.
• Alternate filters including carbon, ULPA or other
application specific.
• Humidity control, dehumidifier/humidifier